The Journey Begins
The Ambrose Advisory journey starts in relationship, with discovery about who you are and what’s important to you. Your financial position is addressed, but more important is learning about who you are as a person. This involves honest, open two-way conversations to ensure that the ultimate financial plan exists to guide your financial choices toward your unique dreams.
The early phases of the journey can take time, and the Ambrose Advisory team ensure there’s no sense of urgency in proceedings (aware, of course, that sometimes there may be urgent financial matters to attend to). Sound due diligence can take a period of months to properly understand the nuances of your situation, especially non-financial elements like family, ambitions, and dreams. Ultimately, these are more important than money, which is itself the tool to support the rest of your life.
Ambrose Advisory is a small team, led by Bret and offering a professional fee-for-service approach, which means they take the time to understand – the advice is not about a quick transaction.
As the journey gets underway, it remains a collaborative approach between you and the Ambrose team and depending on the complexities of your situation it can be a year or two before all parties are fully ready to accelerate. During this time your outcomes will be tested, your thinking and goals may be challenged or shifted, and the Ambrose team will combine their tools and experience to help draft a financial plan that you understand and are committed to.
Many new clients aren’t clear on what they really want to achieve, and why. The discovery process exists to support this – to create space for clients to contemplate their future. And the hands-on approach from the beginning is critical to the long-term success and realisation of clients’ goals.
Ongoing the focus from Ambrose Advisory is co-ordinating the organisation and helping clients measure their progress to stay on track. Life makes it easy to sway off track, to see your plans and even your deepest values challenged; the ongoing journey made alongside Ambrose Advisory exists to help you keep on track and on purpose, in line with your values and goals.
Your dreams most definitely exist. Reaching them is not just a destination, it’s about improving the quality of your life experiences along the way. Implementing your financial plans allows you to create a life with both time freedom … and purpose.