Our Clients - Ambrose - Values based financial advisory
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Who Works Best with Us?

Our Clients

After more than 20 years in financial planning, I realised that clients whose values align with ours benefit most from the Ambrose Values-Based Approach.

These are genuine people – individuals, couples or families – who are seeking meaning from their lives beyond money and wealth. This may be caring for family and friends, a dedication to their work, community or philanthropy, or a love of travel and adventure.

Our clients are generally busy people, willing to delegate to those they trust. We understand it takes time to build trust, which is why we have built relationship-investment into our value-based approach.

Read more here.

Where Your Journey May Take You

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to your journey. Your stage in life, your dreams and the goals you set to get there are all different, and will very likely change over time.

The following is a taste of the direction your journey may follow:

Wealth accumulation

Often the busiest time in your life, you may find yourself balancing career, business, elder family support and your children’s schooling.

During these years you will be looking to have a comfortable lifestyle now while contemplating and managing your long-term future.

If you are in this stage in your life, you likely will be focusing on wealth accumulation.

Pre-time freedom
(pre-retirement strategies)

Your family is growing and schooling and lifestyle costs are easing which is reducing the pressure on your budget.  You have entered a phase of your life where you are looking to confirm your priorities – asking how much is enough and how do I most effectively save for a secure future over the long-term.

If you are in this stage in your life, you likely will be focusing on pre-time freedom.

Time freedom (post retirement strategies)

You have reached a stage in your life where you are looking to spend more time with your adult children, their families and possibly your grandchildren. It’s a time to focus on your health and wellbeing, now and into the future, so you can enjoy active times ahead.

You seek to protect and preserve your hard earned capital and may want to reduce risk giving your family greater financial confidence.

If you are in this stage in your life, you likely will be focusing on time freedom.


Balancing the emotional toll of loss with the possibilities of your future is challenging on many levels.  The alignment of big decisions behind the appropriate management of family wealth can often be overwhelming, confusing and unclear both at a personal and family level.

Planning to protect family wealth from tax and other claims needs to be balanced with your needs and the personal support for your beneficiaries. Doing this well means there is a clear and considered pathway in place for the benefit of your loved ones as well as others you may wish to support.

If you are in this stage in your life, you likely will be focusing on inheritance.

  • I can go to bed knowing that our future is in safe hands

    Bret’s approach from that first meeting was very different to what my wife Nanci and I had experienced previously. It all began with setting our goals and although at the time the process was challenging, it was also very empowering....

  • Judy’s Journey

    Judy realised she was overwhelmed: navigating the process of a marriage separation, and suddenly having to independently manage the family finances. A friend at work recommended she speak with Bret Ambrose, and more than ten years later it has proved a most valuable relationship.

    “I have a quiet sense of calm knowing that I am financially secure, that my family will be provided for when I am gone and the only thing I have to worry about is being happy and healthy for the rest of my life."

    I dream therefore I am...

  • Phil and Nanci’s Journey

    Approaching retirement twelve years ago, Phil realised he didn’t have a financial advisor with a long term interest in ensuring his dreams became reality. His existing financial planners came through one of the big banks, which meant every six months the individual would change and there was always a feeling they were more interested in selling product than understanding him as a client. A friend referred him to Bret and Ambrose Advisory.

    “The reward for a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice is the peace of mind in knowing that we have well thought out and comprehensive plans in place for a secure future and the confidence in knowing that the autumn of our lives can be spent in gratitude and in enjoying what the beautiful globe has to offer..."

    I dream therefore I am...

  • Sean’s Journey

    Sean and Bret have known each other since they were schoolmates, though Sean recalls that it was only when his kids came along that he started to seriously consider managing and protecting his income and – one day – his family’s long-term wealth. In almost twenty years working together, Bret’s business approach and Sean’s financial needs have developed together.

    “As with everything worthwhile in life, there is no substitute for planning, preparation and perseverance when it comes to financial planning."

    I dream therefore I am...


Wealth Accumulation

  • Wealth Accumulation

    These years are a balance between achieving a comfortable lifestyle now and contemplating and managing the long-term future....


Pre-Time Freedom

  • Ted’s Journey

    As a small business owner, Ted is acutely aware that when you invest in an advisor you weigh the benefits of their advice against the costs involved. Having known Bret for several years and heard positive feedback from others who had worked with him, Ted finally jumped in two years ago … and the results have included several benefits he says he couldn’t have foreseen.

    “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer."

    I dream therefore I am...

  • Pre-Retirement Strategies

    These years are a time of preparation, confirming your priorities - asking how much is enough and how do I most effectively save for a secure future over the long-term....


Time Freedom

  • Post Retirement Strategies

    These years are a time for peace of mind, time with kids or grandkids, travel and adventure, and a focus on activity and good health to enjoy your time....



  • Inheritance

    This is a time that is emotional on many levels, and the additional thought of money and it’s appropriate management is often confusing and unclear both at a family and personal level....